Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Basics of playing pool

I am going to teach you how to stand when shooting pool.  Yes I said stand.  This is the most important part of a process that will allow a round ball to do what you want it to do.  Most players do not have a clue and stand totally wrong.  Sure with practice anyone can make shots.  However if you don't stand right you can not achieve the stroke required for exceptional play.
When approaching the table for a shot you must be strait.  This means feet, hips and shoulders are square facing your shot with the pinky toe of you dominant foot pointed at your shot.  This will put you in position to make the shot, however the main reason is to get the most energy transfer from the Que stick into the Que ball.  So you sight your shot. point your right pinky toe (right handed) at the shot, you can put your left foot where you are comfortable but keep your hips and shoulders square.
The ball is round.  When shooting you want to focus on the center of the ball.  A circle touches a plane at its center.  So DO NOT FOCUS on the ball FOCUS Where the ball touches the table.
If you do these two things you will become better than 95% of all players within a couple of months with practice.

Thank you for your time